Sermon Notes
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This Week at 22nd Street
Connect Groups
Worship Gathering
Contineo Youth
Fellowship Dinner
Discipleship Classes
Sewing Classes
4:00pm and 5:30pm
Mary Spencer could use some help on Wednesdays preparing and serving the dinners. If you are available on Wednesdays from 3:30-6:30pm and are willing to serve on a rotating basis, please contact Mary Spencer or Pastor Shawn. The dinners will run from January 8th to May 14th with a break over the summer.
Scheduled for NEXT Sunday morning, January 26th following the worship gathering in the Worship Center. The agenda, minutes for the last meeting, and financial reports are available in the foyer wall rack.
Sunday, February 2nd
Baptism is not only a command from Jesus but a celebration of the new life we have received in Him. If you’re ready to be baptized, let one of our pastors know a week in advance and we will get you the info you need. Make sure you invite all your family and friends to celebrate this awesome day with you!
Sunday, March 16th
Connect Groups and ministries, start praying now about how God can use you to show His love to our city. Like last year, we will meet in the Worship Center at 9:00am for a quick time of worship and encouragement. We will head out to our areas of service at 9:15 and will meet back in the Fellowship Hall for lunch at 12:30. More details coming soon.
There is nothing more powerful than when God’s people pray. We have a prayer emphasis on Sunday mornings to pray for the worship hour. Prayer teams of 3-4 people will gather in the prayer room and pray for the worship service while it’s going on. Prayer guides will be provided to assist you in your praying. If you are interested, simply sign up in your Connect Group. If you would like more information, contact Pastor Ashley – ashley
Generosity and Giving
We have a gratitude that gives.