Adult Ministries

Adult Connect Groups

The following Adult Connect Groups are Meeting In Person on Sunday Mornings at 9:45 a.m.
Come stop by our Welcome Center and one of our greeters will be more than happy to direct you to one of the Connect Groups listed above.

Mid 60s and Up

Group Leader: Brian Kennedy
Location: Room 102

50s to Mid 60s

Group Leader: Pastor Shawn
Location: Room 112

Mid 20s to 40s

Group Leader: Victor Salazar
Location: Room 109

Young Adults (Late Teens to Mid 20s)

Group Leader: Pastor Noah
Location: Room 106

Women - Mid 20s to 50s

Group Leader: Karen Spillman
Location: Room 107

Young Couples

(Nearly-weds, newlyweds, and couples with children birth to preschool)
Group Leader: Zenen Salazar
Location: Room 110

Wednesday Nights (August to May)

On a semesterly basis, we hold Wednesday night activities that include dinner, discipleship classes, practical classes, and activities for children. These are intended to encourage you in your faith in community with other followers of Jesus Christ.

Spring 2025
Dinner (5:00-6:00 PM)
"The Thrill of Orthodoxy" - Kevin Watson (5:45-7:00 PM)
"Practicing the Way" - Noah Battles (5:45-7:00 PM)
Sewing Class - Connie Miracle (4:30-5:30 PM or 6:00-7:00 PM)

If you have any questions, you can contact Pastor Kevin.

Ministry Teams

Here at 22nd Street we believe every member is a minister, every task is important, and everyone is a “10” in some area. For this reason, we provide an array of ministry opportunities where you can live out your love for God and for others by serving them. We encourage everyone at 22nd St. to get involved in a ministry because every volunteer role is vital to impacting our world and creating an environment where people are more likely to hear from Jesus and experience His love.

Usher Team

This team provides a warm, personal greeting to each person as they enter our Worship Center, especially our newest guests. In this subtle but significant way, we encourage them to encounter God and to connect with the body of Christ in our worship gathering. Other responsibilities include: preparing the worship center for worship; welcoming, directing, and seating guests and others as needed; assisting with literature distribution; counting people in the service; collecting and securing the offering.

Prayer Team

The Prayer Team serves to faithfully intercede on behalf of others in need by lifting up specific requests, concerns, and emergency situations. The Prayer Team is a network of people who pray for the needs of others with the expectation of seeing God work in the lives of people for His glory. The Prayer Team responds to requests for prayer through comment cards received from our Sunday morning worship service, telephone calls, and e-mail requests.

Let Us Pray For You

Greeter Team

The Greeter Team welcomes guests and helps them become oriented with the ministry and spirit of 22nd St. If you are great with people and enjoy meeting and making others feel welcome, consider serving on the Greeter Team. You don't have to have all the answers to help, just a willing spirit and a smile.